Friday, August 8, 2008


I feel blessed, don't you?

Everything seems healthy, baby girl finally stop crying (after a week of tears) and now feeling better, got good food to eat, places to go, working, family, and overall I am really looking forward to where I am going in life. Not just in general, but with all the spontaneities in every situation I am in. I thank God Almighty that I am not stuck in creating (capturing images, painting, writing or in music) cause in every photo shoot, poem, painting, or playing instruments I can use whatever that is around me for motivations, inspirations, and illustrations. Thus, makes everything fresh and new for everything that I do. We can be at the same place, with the same people or even close to the same time taking the same pictures; but, it will never be the same. There will be variables that changes from one to another....

Have you stepped out side today? breathe in the fresh air? jump up and spin around? take your shoes off and walk on fresh cut grass? look up at the vast blue skies? look out side your windows and see the birds? all of these things will remind you, why? and why not? and if you haven't done these things, I encouraged you to go to a place where you can do this. It will make your weekend last a little longer than normal and your life a little fuller than 7am this morning. The present is not the present anymore, it's now the past, all we

Think about that.....


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